I doubt no one would read this it's been 2 years o.o
I have made another youtube channel ONCE AGAIN O_O Please don't get mad at me XD but I had copyright strikes again on my old youtube Channels, CuteGamingGirl and KenzieMSP and LisaMusic4Life . <--- My old channels that got deleted e-e
So Heres a new link to my Channel :D It doesn't have a username but
I'm still thinking what username to pick, so please tell me if you have any great suggestions ^^
Wow it's been like 3 years since I had this blog yaaay! I'm sorry I haven't been updating this blog for 2 years but Happy 2015! xD
I don't have my irish MSP account anymore sadly :( So ! !Mya! ! is gone now DX .
And my Spanish MSP, is still on the first page but it's deleted so ! !Mya! ! is also gone too o.o I didn't like the Spanish MSP very much now so I didn't want to return to MSP again D:
I still have my Canada, French, New Zealand, USA, Australia MSP but I don't use them AT ALL O_O lol But the one msp I'm most likely to log onto is my UK MSP .:LuvMusic4Life:.
I kinda grew out of MSP, I just feel like I have nothing ACTUALLY to do. There is millions of stuff you could do like make movies or artbooks, but I just don't have the motivations to those things again :(
I'm sure no one would be reading this by now xD I haven't updated my blog for 2 years, so I think I'm talking to myself now o_o
See ya everyone ^_^